First connection with the StarGo Plus/StarGo2 Pro driver with N.I.N.A

In order to connect the mount with StarGo Plus/StarGo2 Pro driver with N.I.N.A. is required to choose the Avalon UD Telescope driver from the Telescope drop down menù list. This option will be available only after it will be selected with the ASCOM chooser.

Inside N.I.N.A. is not possible to launch the ASCOM chooser from the Telescope section menù so it is required to do this operation at least once by using external software app, as for example Carte du Ciel, Stellarium etc...


Choosing the StarGo Plus driver in the ASCOM chooser.

In the example below the ASCOM chooser will be invoked from within one of the most used astrophotographic software app as Carte du Ciel.

Run Carte du Ciel and click on the telescope button:

- In ASCOM local panel click on the Select button

- Click on the Alpaca tab and click on the Enable Discovery option


- When the option is enabled click on Discover Now

- After the Discover option is enabled the Avalon UD Telescope driver will be available in the driver menù. Select it and click ok.

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- Now the Avalon UD Telescope driver will be available in the N.I.N.A. telescope drop down menù list, allowing the connection with the mount.


NOTE: Once the driver has been correctly selected is suggested to disable the Alpaca Discovery option in order to avoid more then one Avalon UD driver option in the telescope list.

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