Hello David
First of all it is better to do not directly modify the mcf file. Any parameter changing must be done from the StarGo GUI, then save the mcf file, this is the safe way to adjust the parameter.
Be aware that the changing of the RA gear ratio in the mcf file affect all the system, guide tracking and slewing inlcuded. So please don’t do it!
The tracking adjust function has been designed to reduce the Pulse Guiding system workload. The algorithm is based on the average of a certain numbers of the last pulse guiding commands, in order to temporary increase or decrease the sidereal tracking, and it works only when the Pulse Guide is activated (does not work when used with the ST4 port).
What it seems a Sidereal Tracking error can be due to the periodic error that comes from last pulley of the belt drive reducer.
This kind of periodic error is very long, smoothed and without peaks but can affect the Sidereal Tracking, on depending on the pointing position.
At this point let’s talk about numbers to better understand the guiding system capability to solve this kind of error.
For example: if we have an error of 100 arcsec for ten minutes exposure times, at the Sidereal Tracking speed, for a 10 minutes of mount movement, we have 9.000 arcsec of movement, if we have a guiding speed of 0,30, our guiding system capability correction is about 2.700 arcsec, so the guiding system correction capability is about 30 times faster then the max error (2.700 / 100).
That’s why by guiding surely you will not have problems.
Best regards
Avalon Instruments Team