
Suggestions and tips for Avalon Instruments products

StarGo WiFi and SkySafari instable connection issue

When an instable StarGo WiFi connection occur or when attempting the connection with SkySafari the message: “Connection Failure SkySafari can’t make a wireless network connection to the scope. Make sure you’ve joined its Wi-Fi network, and entered its IP address correctly” appear, the problem could be too many wi-fi networks covering the working area.


Working area covered by many wifi networks

Disable all the automatic connection option with all your usual Wi-Fi networks, this is important because, in case of loosing/decreasing connection quality, the Wi-Fi connection protocol always search for more powerful wifi networks, at this point the connection with the StarGo is lost, that's why it is better to let only the StarGo Wi-Fi connection as automatic (if your device allows this option).