The StarGo Plus comes with a dedicated port for the Focuser managing. When compatible focuser are connected to this port is possible the control through the StarGo Plus WebApp and via ASCOM Alpaca compatible softwares. N.I.N.A. support ASCOM Alpaca so it is possible to manage Focuser connected to the StarGo Plus also through this software. In order to detect the Avalon UD Focuser driver is required to enable the ASCOM Alpaca discovery as described below.
In order to connect an Avalon Focuser with StarGo Plus/StarGo2 Pro driver with N.I.N.A. is required to choose the Avalon UD Telescope driver from the Telescope drop down menù list. This option will be available only after it will be selected with the ASCOM chooser.
This driver is not immediately visible in the Focuser ASCOM driver drop down list, in order to allow the correct option show up in the menù, is required a preliminary selection trhough the Device Hub Focuser option.
- The first thing to do is to open the Focuser driver menù list and click on the Device Hub Focuser option.
- After the selection the gears button will be enabled
- At this point the ASCOM chooser will pop up, click on the Choose button
- The Choose button will trigger the ASCOM Focuser Choose, now, in order to find the correct, it must be enabled the Alpaca discovery service as shown in the picture below
- At this point is possible to access the Alpaca Focus Driver properties, so click on the properties button
- Set the correct parameters. Here is required to type the device IP address, this it may change on depending on the user connection methods and network situation. After typing the IP address press the OK button.
- After this the driver will be available in the N.I.N.A. Focuser list
- Now just select it and press on the connect button.
More information about the StarGo Plus