Alessandro Milani


Hi guys, at first I apologize for missing here... unfortunately no new images with bad wheather. I'm back to share the results of the first "serious" night with the RC8 that has recently begun to be part of the family
Due to the moon I started late and I have gained few subs, because the setup used is new to me and I had to start to pick up confidence ...

Mr. Avalon has kindly offered an M-Zero mount to do some tests with the new little one, and just because I like to push it over, I loaded properly as you can see in the photo, going well beyond the scope of 10kg declared, touched around 15, and with a sampling of 0.54 arcsec / pixel in shooting at 1624mm and 280mm to about 3.5 in guide.

It was not a walk but after the first "settling" shots of the driving parameters I was able to tame it and I pulled out 18x300s subs at 1600iso with the 60D-CDS and idas filter, here the final result now, after 4 / 5 versions:
hi-res here

I must say that I was surprised to see how this little one has been able to carry a similar setup, border to physical limit, and goto system Stargo behaved admirably pointing almost in the center of M13 in the close field of 47x31' after one star alignment (Arturo) and alignment aided only by polar scope ...

The first test I would say that he passed with flying colors, although I still have to squeeze it pretty well, return it will be a real disappointment!

Alessandro Milani



