Hi Stefano,
Absolutely. I enclose the image with system settings.
Yes, config M-Uno file is chosen.
After power on the mount, the command "Slew to Home Position" is used. After that, the TheSky X program is started and communication with the mount is activated (ASCOM). Since I use the built-in T-Point system, M-Uno move the scope to chosen objects quite well. The problem comes down the command Go-To is complete. The mount must then again follow the starry sky's apparent movement (sideral tracking), this takes place not directly but takes a few minutes before this is stabilized.
This can only be fixed faster by disconnecting The Sky from the ASCOM driver and stopping sideral tracking immediately and afterwards activating sideral tracking again in StarGo!
There are also other slightly different things that happen. The Go-To command only activates one motor / shaft first , the second motor / shaft is activated after the first one is done. So they do not work at the same time ...