I got my Zero Obs WiFi mount delivered last week from Teleskop Express in Germany. Excellent service from them as usual and the mount build quality is exquisite!
However, I'm really struggling to get the software/integration to work! I'm using Astroberry 2.0.3 with latest the Indi drivers (Avalon StarGo drivers). The load on the mount is well within the limits:
TS Optics CF-APO 90mm with a Canon EOS 600D and a QHY guider - definitely within the mounts photographical limits!
The GoTo is way off! I've used the Ekos PA routine and that works fine and I'm able to obtain a very good PA. However the mount moves way to short distance in RA from what I can see. Last night, after performing a PA I issued a goto to Vega and the mount stopped way too early. My Raspberry running Ekos/Kstars have a GPS card so the lat/long and time is updated every 10s. Furthermore I use a powerful powerpack together with the provided "linq" power adaper delivered with the mount in order to deliver enough power while slewing.
I bought the Avalon in order to get a replacement for my iOptron and I hope I didn't make a bad decision. Does anybody else have a similar experience and can point me in the right direction. Right now my mount is a "brick", albeit a beautifully designed "brick"...
Many thanks in advance!