After I had issues with the Polar Alignment Assistant in KStars/EKOS, Jasem from IndiLib proposed to check the East / West mount and motion controls.
Indeed, in both EKOS and any INDI controller, when pressing the [East] button in the controller interface, the mount moves to the right and RA is decreasing. The same for pressing the [West] button: Mount moves to the left, RA is increasing. Both are wrong! RA must decrease when moving West!
When going to the browser-based interface, pressing the left arrow, moves the mount to the left.... But it does not say East or West!
North / South is correct, i.e. UP/Down.
Something is off here?! Is there a setting wrong? How can I fix this?
Attached a screenshot of an INDI controller showing the firmware and mount info.
In the SkySafari 7 Pro, one can setup mounts via ASCOM, INDI or SkyFi. The above described behaviour is identical for ASCOM and INDI!