The StarGo WiFi chip use the ad-hoc protocol, that works in the peer to peer mode and it cannot works as a client.
The StarGo WiFi chip use the ad-hoc protocol, that works in the peer to peer mode and it cannot works as a client.
When the Site & Location checkbox is activated, Skysafari send, during the connection with the StarGo, the data about the time and the location in order to update the internal StarGo location.
The Motorized Polar Alignment function has been designed to work with the Merlino Board. If the Merlino Board is not available, to manage the operation, both the StarGo AUX ports must be used. In this way is not possible to manage the focuser and the Motorized Polar Alignement via ASCOM at the same time. It would be only possible, after the Polar Alignment, take off one of the two cables to use the focuser. The motors for the Motorized Polar Alignment Function can only be assembled in the factory.
The StarGO with ESCAP P530 motors 12:1 ratio reducer can have a max slew speed of 0,5 deg per sec.
In case of faster slew speed needed it is suggested to use our Losmandy motor kit HS version (3 deg. per sec.) or HQ (1,5 deg. per sec.)
Avalon Instruments provide a power supply with a 5,5 mm external diameter, 2,1 mm internal diameter, that has been chosen due to his standard characteristichs, easy to find on the market and, above all, during the risk evaluation process, it has been noticed that in case of cable stretching, the connector can come out without any damages.
The following table shows the knobs rotation arc-minutes amount for a fine Polar Alignment adjustment with one full knob turn.
The best guiding performance with our belt driven mounts comes by using the lowest possible guiding speed ( 0,2 / 0,4 ) , the shortest possible guide exposure ( 1 sec is ok ) and the lowest possible RA/DEC pulse guide duration (300 / 600).
StarGo technical requirement:
NOTE: The X-Solver does not work with Windows XP, due to the internal Framework functions that are no longer supported by Windows XP. Concerning others Microsoft Windows O.S. (such as: Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.0, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10) X-Solver need at least Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. If you have not yet installed go to the specific microsoft web page download and install it.
The new Skywatcher Polarscope only has the Octans constellation on it.
The following procedure is strongly reccommended during the first StarGo installation or in case of connection problem
"No Connection" error message during the StarGo connection
When an instable StarGo WiFi connection occur or when attempting the connection with SkySafari the message: “Connection Failure SkySafari can’t make a wireless network connection to the scope. Make sure you’ve joined its Wi-Fi network, and entered its IP address correctly” appear, the problem could be too many wi-fi networks covering the working area.