
Suggestions and tips for Avalon Instruments products

Motorized Polar Alignment kit

In order to allow the mount free rotation on the Azimuth, being at the same time firmly assembled on the base flange, the three bolts must be tightned with the correct pressure.

This adjustment it is performed at the company before to ship the mount.

Ekos comes provided with a powerful and useful tool that allows to perform an accurate Polar Alignment even in location where the Polaris is not visible.
The procedure is quite straightforward, the mount will perform three different rotations on the RA axis, shooting a picture for each one.
Thanks to the Plate Solving, the software receive the precise position of each rotation and, calculating the overall movement, is able to estimate how much the RA axis is drifting away from the real North, guiding the user to perform the required corrections.

Park Procedure

    1. Run the StarGo.exe
    2. Perform the Sync Home Position
    3. Perform a GoTo or Move the mount on the choosen position for the Park
    4. Click on the “Set Park” button to choose the position for the Park.
    5. Start the session and point the mount on other objects
    6. At the end of the session click on the “Park” button. The mount will slew to the position choosen through the “Set Park” function, retaining it in the next session, even after a shutdown.
       NOTE: this mean that in the next session another Sync Home Position is not required.
    7. Close the StarGo.exe and Power off the mount.

The slew stop before the target it is a protection function designed for a safety reason, in order to prevent the mount uncontrolled movement due to the network latency, when the mount is used from a remote connection. But it can also happen in case of no keypad connected.

This issue may occur due to:

- windows updates

- COM PORT changing

- StarGo Software/Firmware mismatch

- Firmware corruption

In order to fix this issue it is suggested to donwnload from our Support Page the latest StarGo Software/Firmware release and perform a new, clean StarGo software installation.

After the software installation it must be performed the firmware upgrade.

This procedure has been shown in the following video.

In this article the doubtful user about the purchasing of the Linear or the M-uno D, can find a list of pro and cons of the two mounts.

The biggest benefit of the M-uno D compared to the Linear mount it is the possibility to avoid the Meridian Flip.

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